BlogSocial Justice

Social Justice

Hiwaga and Humbug on Philippine TV

To the writers, researchers, producers, and hosts of TV programs that promote superstition among Filipinos, I ask you to rethink your values.

A Quick Guide to Detecting Quantum Quackery

The world of quantum mechanics is strange, that much is true... Unfortunately, the strangeness of the quantum world has been grossly abused either by those who do not understand quantum mechanics, or those who wish to benefit from this lack of understanding.

An Open Letter to All RH Supporters: A Response

Let us have a society where every child is wanted and is born to a loving family that will care for their well-being. That doesn't have to be a controversial wish, but it is in the Philippines.

FF Podcast (Audio) 011: Pinoy Racism and LGBT Rights

Margie, Red and Pepe host Filipino Freethinkers Podcast Episode 11
Margie, Red, and Pepe are back for episode 11 of the Filipino Freethinkers Podcast. This week, we talk about racism in Filipino culture. Then we take a closer look at the claim that LGBT rights "trample" on the rights of religious people.

FF Podcast 011: Pinoy Racism and LGBT Rights

Margie, Red and Pepe are back for episode 11 of the Filipino Freethinkers Podcast. This week, we talk about racism in Filipino culture. Then we take a closer look at the claim that LGBT rights "trample" on the rights of religious people.

GMOs and Science Denialists: A GMO Primer

Genetic modification of food has been critical in the history of human beings. None of the food we regularly eat today existed before humans and they would never exist outside of “unnatural” human intervention.

FF Podcast (Audio) 010: Pro-RH at SC and Advice for Atheists with Religious Parents

Pro-RH at SC and Advice for Atheists with Religious Parents

The Filipino Freethinkers' Podcast-that-is-also-a-Video is back! For its tenth episode, Red, Pepe, and Margie talk about the pro-RH presence at the recent Supreme Court hearings on the RH Law, and--in a Podcast-that-is-also-a-Video first--answer an online query about living with religious parents. Press play and enjoy!

Will RH Limit Freedom of Religion?

Why would a person choose to be in a job that goes against their religious beliefs? And why should we expect a company to retain a person who cannot effectively do their job?

Today I Will Justify My Sexism Using God

While we write a lot about the shitty things the Catholic hierarchy tries to impose on people because of their particular...

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