
FF Top Ten: March 10, 2010

Today's headline article is Gordon Brown's secularist Labour party. There is hope after all! Also check out two interviews about two new books out now - an expose on Evangelicals and a book about God's Brain. On a lighter note: ZOMG 3D BIBLE MOVIE

FF Top Ten: March 8, 2010, International Women's Day edition

Today is International Women's Day! In addition to the usual links, we have some great articles discussing women fighting for equality and religious reform,women at CERN (Angels and Demons stuff, people!), and an opinion piece about ending maternal deaths. We also have an essay from Christopher Hitchen's brother about his faith and an expose about Scientology.

FF Top Ten: March 7, 2010

Today's FF links include a presidential endorsement, discrimination against gays, the Oscars, AI, sex and gay prostitution, and evolution. Same old, same old?

FF Top Ten: March 6, 2010

Today's religion, atheism, freethinking news links.

My list of some of the most romantic sci-fi lines

Okay guys, this is, among other things, a work/list in progress, so please feel free to suggest others I might have...

If I’m a non-believer, why patronize theist music, film and other forms of artwork?

The Merriam-Webster website definition for patronize here that I use is the following: “3 : to be a frequent or regular customer or...

Short review on ‘The Big Bang Theory’ episode ‘The Einstein Approximation’

Warning: For those who haven’t seen this episode yet, spoiler alert! This is the first, and hopefully won’t be the last, of...

FF Davao Meet-up

Twelve freethinkers plus the one holding the camera. Not bad for a first meet-up. This is Harley's P90 burger. That patty is...

Secularism and Physics on Death and Immortality

The premise: a problem It has been said over and over again, as a defense or even as a backlash, by religious...

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