

Atomic Bombs, Cryogenics & Jorge Luis Borges: The Aesthetic Appeal of Science

I've been reading a lot of comic books recently. I've always been a fan of comic books, but there are a...

My Body is Not Mine

We are in bed, spooning like lovers although we’re not. He is resting his cheek on my shoulder, creating some contrast...

The Irrationality of “Utang na Loob”

I. Invisible Debt There is a uniquely Filipino concept that is often brought up when a person's relationship with his or her...

A Conversation with Richard Carrier

This week, we talk with the historian and philosopher, Richard Carrier. We talk to him about the evidence for Jesus' historical...

Secular Morality and the Is-Ought Problem

My position had been that we can be good without God, and that science and reason are all we need to chart morality. Today I no longer hold that position.

Your Memory is Fake

"Eternal Sunshine of a Spotless Mind" is my favorite movie. I think it's perfect. I've seen it almost a dozen times....

People with High Self-Esteem are More Likely to be Assholes

There is a general opinion that people with high self-esteem live happier lives and are less susceptible to depression should they face...

A Conversation with Russell Blackford, philosopher and author

This week, for Conversations for a Cause, we talk with Russell Blackford, philosopher and co-author of 50 Great Myths About Atheism. We talk with him about misconceptions about atheism. Then, we discuss his views on theology and the ethics of human enhancement.

Why Faith Is Not A Virtue

This article is for those who think that faith is a virtue. I would like to propose that it is not. Over...

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