

Blasphemy on the Cross

Hey Jesus, did you hear about that photo of a certain Maike Domingo, of a girl in shorts who posed in a sexy-ish manner on the cross?

Why Sherlock Should Give A Damn About The Solar System

 “But It’ s The Solar System!” In keeping with the spirit of Year of the Solar System, I am going to write...

On Being White in a Brown Nation

This white thing was no joke. It was serious business. A simple equation was evident: brown equals misery = white equals happiness.

Who is the Philippines’s Biggest Bigot? Cast Your Vote!

For the 3rd Filipino Freethinkers Forum this coming April 1, we will be handing out the 2012 Biggest Bigot Award to the person YOU think has worked hardest at being a close-minded douchebag.

Freethinking: More Fun in the Philippines

Thanks to the Department of Tourism's new campaign, people all over the world now know how much fun everything is in the Philippines. But beyond the wonderful marine life, historical sites, food and parades, our country has also become a shining beacon of freethinking and secularism. What better way of looking back at our struggle for reason, freedom and secularism than through a viral Internet meme?

Dear Princess Celestia…

Despite its exceedingly cute appearance and tone, My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic garnered a large following far beyond its target audience thanks to its animation quality, pop culture references (The Big Lebowski, anyone?), song numbers, character depth, and witty humor. Yes. I am a Brony.

The Artistic Merits of 90’s Sexy Cinema (and/or Why “Warat” is Art and Why Art is “Warat”)

Disclaimer: Apologies to all the women in the world for the potentially misogynistic contexts that may emerge from my usage of...

“He knows the Truth now”

So Long and Thanks for all the Hitch Christopher Hitchens (1949-2011), the spice and sting of the Four Horsemen, will be sorely...

Penn Jillette’s 10 Commandments for Atheists

Penn Jillette, one half of the magic act and general ruckus raisers, Penn & Teller, has come up with a set...

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