FF Top Ten: April 14, 2010

Justin was kind enough to get me the links to this week’s post.  Thanks Justin!

Go to the News Thread to send your links.


Lesson No.1 kids – don’t publish a video blog endorsing beliefs that you’re not supposed to be supporting. E.g. Religion scholar who believes in evolution and blogs about it. Smart!  (via Huffington Post)

MIT conducts workshop on secularism in India. Read the program and some of the discussions here. (via twocircles.net)

Justin’s so freaked out by these planets that are orbiting backwards. (via MSNBC)

Catholics for Choice support DOH. (via Manila Bulletin) Sorry guys, the priests say you’re not real Catholics. You’re half-assed erring Catholics.  (via GMAnews.tv, Ryan’s post)

Church inadvertently campaigns for Ang Ladlad by reiterating once again their disapproval of the LGBT group.  (via GMAnews.tv)

RP lags neighbors in poverty reduction, according to the ADB (via Inquirer.net)

Here’s the church blaming gay priests for pedophilia.  They like making enemies, no? (via Inquirer)

Here’s the church blaming Jews and freemasons. Really. (via Salon.com)

Here’s the church effectively saying that lifting the statute of limitations on child molesters is a bigger damage to the church than actually having child molesters as church leaders. (via CNN.com)  Are they saying that once this is lifted, there will be no priests left?

The Catholic Church out of the blue decides to forgive the Beatles.  (via NME) The timing is so odd.  Do they think this will distract from the scandal?  I personally think it has something to do with the recent super-crappy Beatles Week on American Idol. The Church was all, “This is horrible!  Who are these talentless singers butchering these great songs?!  The Beatles have suffered enough! Let us forgive them.”


  1. these are great links! (oooh the Salon.com one is just the same with the CNN.com one right after it) backward-orbiting planets huh? cool!

    • Thanks Satephine, fixed it.

      I realized the intro makes it seem that Justin gathered all the links. I meant to say that Justin selected some of the links, but a lot of them he collected from the suggestions of Frank and Twinskies in the forum!

  2. half catholic is still catholic. Even 1% catholic is still catholic! Whats the diff? What's the other half and where will it go. I'd like it these priests had the BALLS to say: You are all going to HELL for not following Dogma and Canon!

  3. I have developed sympathy for the Beatles too, after seeing how the Jonas Brothers brutally violated their songs.

    Hmm, maybe the Church should hate them next 😉

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