
This is Not a Church?

We have seen riskier art with religious images at the CCP and other galleries; people complained, but never at a scale such as this. Why? Because back then only the artist gains from the attention.

Republic of the Philistines

Despite every effort made at civil accomodation, the CBCP and Pro-life Philippines have shown through their actions that they do not want discourse or discussion; they only want their demands met and their dictates obeyed.

Bastos is in the Eye of the Beholder

It has often been said that “beauty is in the eye of the beholder,” that is, the things we see around us are interpreted by differently from viewer to viewer. But what about the flip-side? Is the “profane” just as subjective as the “pleasing”?

An Interview with Mideo Cruz

A brief e-mail interview with Mideo Cruz, the artist behind the controversial works being displayed in the Cultural Center of the Philippines which the conservative Catholics of Pro-Life Philippines are trying to take down for blasphemy.

Censor This

Having taken on the imperialist capitalist conspirators Mcdonald's and Bench Apparel, perhaps the CBCP and their ilk now finally feel confident enough to crush the greatest threat to the cultural heritage of the Philippines: the, er, Cultural Center of the Philippines.

Heart, Art, and the Occasional Fart

As an alternative to the usual meetup format, FF spent its latest gathering getting our art on at The Collective, albeit...

Nouthanasis: The Eternal Now

the birth of Another, the apathy of Otherness — this altercation of the unconscious Self, born of the irrational Yet: the vague paradigm of...

If I’m a non-believer, why patronize theist music, film and other forms of artwork?

The Merriam-Webster website definition for patronize here that I use is the following: “3 : to be a frequent or regular customer or...

Gather ’round kids, it’s time for math!

Mathematics is for everyone. Really. This article ( and the succeeding ones in the series) aims to prove that point. That everyone...

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