

Joint Statement of Civil Society Organizations and Advocates Supporting Comprehensive Sexuality Education and the Passage of the Teen Pregnancy Prevention (TPP) Bill (SB 1979)

We, the undersigned civil society organizations (CSOs), advocates, and stakeholders in child rights, youth development, women’s rights, health, and education, firmly stand united in our commitment to uphold the rights and welfare of young learners, advance evidence-based programs, promote comprehensive sexuality education (CSE), and support policies addressing teen pregnancy.

We strongly condemn the disinformation aimed to undermine CSE and block the passage of the urgently needed Teen Pregnancy Prevention (TPP) bill (Senate Bill 1979). Rooted in bigotry and a skewed sense of morality, these attacks intentionally misrepresent facts and use sensationalism to create unwarranted fear and division among the public, particularly, the parents of our children.

Celebrate the holidays with Filipino Freethinkers!

Date: Saturday, December 21, 2024
Time: 5:00 PM to 9:00 PM
RSVP: Tin - Mobile #09288720020

[MEETUP] SideQuest Estancia | Sunday, 29 September 2024, 12-3 pm PHT

Join us as we kickstart meetups again. It’ll be a casual meetup where we just catch up and have one topic. We can bring up new topics as we go along!

Venue: SideQuest Estancia
Date: Sunday, September 29, 2024
Time: 12:00 NN to 3:00 PM

Love Laban 2 Everyone : Pride PH Festival 2024 on June 22 in Quezon City

Manifesto Pride Month is more than just a celebration — it’s a movement for change, love, equality, andmost importantly, it’s a protest....

StoriesOfPower: Inspiring Stories of Reclaiming Power and Courage in the Face of Injustice and Misogyny

Join us for an in-person event as SheDecides and Filipino Freethinkers come together to showcase the powerful stories of Filipino women...

[MEETUP] Come Closer: An intimate conversation on bridging the Gender Pleasure Gap

Womxn's Meetup will only accept womxn participants and will only have womxn facilitators. WOMXN includes people who identify as women and queer/non-binary people. This includes trans, nonbinary, womxn of...

[MEETUP] Saturday, 16 October 2021, 3-6pm PHT

Join us on Zoom for a friendly and stimulating meetup!

#FeministFridays – Feminist Parenting

FEMINIST PARENTING - Watch the livestream of this week's #FeministFridays on 25 June 2021, at 5-6pm

What is Humanism?

In celebration of World Humanist Day, we are sharing an excerpt from the first of a series of educational modules we...

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