

A Very, Very Narrow-Minded View on Gay Marriage

After reading what passes for a “stand” on legalizing same-sex marriage in the Philippines, my opinion on the matter remains the same. I just can’t (and I probably never will) understand why anyone would want to vote against gay people getting married.

Solidarity with Bangladeshi Bloggers

The Filipino Freethinkers stand in solidarity with these bloggers as the religious groups of Bangladesh seek to trample upon their right to freedom of speech.

Dwindling Church Attendance, Statistics, and Grief

The one strand you can gather from their responses can be summed up as, “my local parish seems to be doing fine, so the study must be wrong.” This is a classic fallacy of composition, where what is true for a part is assumed to be true for the whole.

Why Conservatives Might Still Win Next Election

I rarely read the morning paper, much less buy it. Being almost always connected to the Internet, I still haven't found...

Your Senatoriable’s Not-So-Fabulous Stance on Gay Marriage

With the Papal elections winding down in the Vatican, most pinoys are beginning to focus their attention on our very own...

An Open Letter from the Filipino Freethinkers’ Parenting Chapter

Br. Armin A. Luistro FSC Department of Education DepEd Complex, Meralco Avenue, Pasig City   An Open Letter from the Parenting Chapter of the Filipino...

Open Letter to the Department of Education

Updated on 5 February, 2013, 6:32PM FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE 5 February 2013, MANILA – On the official website of the Philippine Department of Education, the...

FF – Metro South Meetup for Sunday, February 10

Event: Filipino Freethinkers - Metro Manila South Meetup Date: Sunday, February 10, 2013 Time: 4:00 PM to 7:00 PM Place: Union Jack Tavern, 2nd...

Why Rude Protest Is Better Than Polite Concession

A Violent Kind of Envy "Try protesting inside a MOSQUE and let's see if you can keep your head on your shoulder." I...

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