

FF Podcast 35: Criteria for Beauty

This week we talk about the Bb. Pilipinas 2014 beauty pageant, the criteria used to judge the contestants, and beauty in general.

FF Podcast (Audio) 34: Habeas Corpuz and What Parents Can Do to Kids

Filipino Freethinkers Podcast (Audio) 34 - Habeas Corpuz and What Parents Can Do to Kids

This week, we talk about the odd names Filipino parents give to their kids. Then, we discuss what sorts of things parents should not do to their kids.

FF Podcast 34: Habeas Corpuz and What Parents Can Do to Kids

This week, we talk about the odd names Filipino parents give to their kids. Then, we discuss what sorts of things parents should not do to their kids.

FF Podcast (Audio) 33: Kissing Strangers

Filipino Freethinkers Podcast 33: Kissing Strangers

This week we talk about a viral video where strangers kiss for the first time. What are the Filipino taboos around intimacy?

FF Podcast 33: Kissing Strangers

This week we talk about a viral video where strangers kiss for the first time. What are the Filipino taboos around intimacy?

FF Podcast (Audio) 32: Flesh-Eating Disease in the Philippines?

Filipino Freethinkers Podcast 32:Flesh-Eating Disease in the Philippines

This week, we talk about the story propagated by ABS-CBN's Bandila program regarding a supposed mysterious flesh-eating disease engulfing Pangasinan.

FF Podcast (Audio) 31: Cybercrime!

FF Podcast 31: Cybercrime!

This week, we talk with Marnie Tonson, one of the petitioners against the Cybercrime Law that was recently upheld in parts by the Supreme Court. We talk about some of the common misconceptions about the law.

FF Podcast 31: Cybercrime!

This week, we talk with Marnie Tonson, one of the petitioners against the Cybercrime Law that was recently upheld in parts by the Supreme Court. We talk about some of the common misconceptions about the law.

FF Podcast (Audio): James Randi (Conversations for a Cause)

James Randi

Conversations for a Cause returns with an interview with The Amazing Randi. We ask him about The Million Dollar Paranormal Challenge and his experiences in testing fantastic claims by people who call themselves psychic.

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