BlogSocial Justice

Social Justice

FF’s Lab Letters Issue #2

And so we meet again, darlings. Welcome to another edition of Lab Letters, FF's weekly science micro-post! Last February 1st marked the...

FF – Metro South Meetup for Sunday, February 10

Event: Filipino Freethinkers - Metro Manila South Meetup Date: Sunday, February 10, 2013 Time: 4:00 PM to 7:00 PM Place: Union Jack Tavern, 2nd...

Why Rude Protest Is Better Than Polite Concession

A Violent Kind of Envy "Try protesting inside a MOSQUE and let's see if you can keep your head on your shoulder." I...

Getting Tested: The Results of My First HIV Exam

Few things make me nervous. Job interviews, cute boys, boa constrictors—I can face them just fine. But when I took my first HIV test at last week’s FF meetup, I definitely felt my tummy tumbling over. And this ended up being a very good thing.

Against Empire: The Celdran Revolt

Celdran’s political protest challenges the hegemony of the Catholic Church, while his case tests the independence of the judiciary from the...

Article 133: Special Rights Not Equal Rights

Only people who believe that their faith cannot stand on its own merit need Article 133.

FF’s Lab Letters Issue #1

Welcome to the very first issue of Lab Letters, FF's weekly science news micro-post!

What Offends My Religious Feelings

What really offends my religious feelings are people who go out, declare themselves holy, and then spread hate and fear and lies and pain in the name of God and Christ.

Carlos Celdran Declared Guilty of “Offending Religious Feelings”

  On September 30, 2010, Manila tour guide Carlos Celdran was charged for Article 133 of the Revised Penal Code, or "offending...

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