BlogSocial Justice

Social Justice

The Lord Works In Mysterious Ways

I had the pleasure of meeting one of my readers this week. His name is Edgar. He wrote me the longest...

A Rational Approach to Jealousy

I'm going to start out with some bad news. Dear reader, you're not as rational as you think (that, or I'm...

Killing for Faith

A woman prepares a lethal cocktail of pharmaceuticals. It’s for her partner’s two children. She had been listening to a sermon just the other day about Isaac, Abraham’s son. God tested Abraham and led him to offer Isaac as a sacrifice.

FF Podcast (Audio) 39: Should Church Officials Return the Napoles Money?

Filipino Freethinkers Podcast (Audio) 39 - Should Church Officials Return the Napoles Money?

This week, we talk about Father Ramirez, who allegedly received millions in stolen taxpayer money via Janet Lim-Napoles. Church officials, including Cardinal Tagle, have now come out in defense of the priest.

FF Podcast 39: Should Church Officials Return the Napoles Money?

This week, we talk about Father Ramirez, who allegedly received millions in stolen taxpayer money via Janet Lim-Napoles. Church officials, including Cardinal Tagle, have now come out in defense of the priest.

A Conversation with Richard Carrier

This week, we talk with the historian and philosopher, Richard Carrier. We talk to him about the evidence for Jesus' historical...

Secular Morality and the Is-Ought Problem

My position had been that we can be good without God, and that science and reason are all we need to chart morality. Today I no longer hold that position.

Women’s Autonomy in the Hands of the SC

The legal state of a married woman's autonomy over her own body has been put in a strange limbo thanks to two recent Supreme Court decisions.

FF Podcast (Audio) 38: Filming an Abortion

Filipino Freethinkers Podcast (Audio) 38 - Filming an Abortion

This week, we talk about Emily Letts, an abortion counselor who filmed her own abortion and posted it online.

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