BlogSocial Justice

Social Justice

I Say “No” to Fat Acceptance

What's so Wrong with Fat Shaming?    There's something wrong with shaming, in general. I'm going to make the assumption that everyone is...

The Lord Works In Mysterious Ways

I had the pleasure of meeting one of my readers this week. His name is Edgar. He wrote me the longest...

A Rational Approach to Jealousy

I'm going to start out with some bad news. Dear reader, you're not as rational as you think (that, or I'm...

Killing for Faith

A woman prepares a lethal cocktail of pharmaceuticals. It’s for her partner’s two children. She had been listening to a sermon just the other day about Isaac, Abraham’s son. God tested Abraham and led him to offer Isaac as a sacrifice.

FF Podcast (Audio) 39: Should Church Officials Return the Napoles Money?

Filipino Freethinkers Podcast (Audio) 39 - Should Church Officials Return the Napoles Money?

This week, we talk about Father Ramirez, who allegedly received millions in stolen taxpayer money via Janet Lim-Napoles. Church officials, including Cardinal Tagle, have now come out in defense of the priest.

FF Podcast 39: Should Church Officials Return the Napoles Money?

This week, we talk about Father Ramirez, who allegedly received millions in stolen taxpayer money via Janet Lim-Napoles. Church officials, including Cardinal Tagle, have now come out in defense of the priest.

A Conversation with Richard Carrier

This week, we talk with the historian and philosopher, Richard Carrier. We talk to him about the evidence for Jesus' historical...

Secular Morality and the Is-Ought Problem

My position had been that we can be good without God, and that science and reason are all we need to chart morality. Today I no longer hold that position.

Women’s Autonomy in the Hands of the SC

The legal state of a married woman's autonomy over her own body has been put in a strange limbo thanks to two recent Supreme Court decisions.

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