BlogFeatures & Series

Features & Series

Meet a Freethinker: Feanne

I became agnostic around high school because I found the religious practices very suffocating, and I could not find good answers for my questions

Asian Humanism Conference 2021

Filipino Freethinkers is proud to announce that we will be hosting this year’s Asian Humanism Conference (AHC), the biggest yearly event...

Meet a Freethinker: Rosem Morton

No two freethinkers are exactly alike; a group of freethinkers contains a great diversity of perspectives, so there is no one,...

Meet a Freethinker: Yllang Montenegro

Since then I knew that religion is not my thing, I thought that religion was not the basis of life, although I do respect people for whatever they believe in.

What is Humanism?

In celebration of World Humanist Day, we are sharing an excerpt from the first of a series of educational modules we...

Filipino Freethinkers say “Never forget. Never again.”

A statement against authoritarianism on the 47th anniversary of the martial law declaration.

Freethinkers’ Response to 2020 SONA: The President Needs a Priority Check

Filipino Freethinkers demands a shift in the president's priorities. The State of the Nation Address (SONA) should have been about our country's most pressing issues, particularly, the COVID-19 response, prioritizing citizens' welfare. Instead, Duterte seems to think the SONA is a pulpit for baseless grandstanding, patent misinformation, and petty politicking, replacing public concern with personal vendettas.

[ONLINE] Meetup – 18 July 2020

Filipino Freethinkers Meetup 3pm (Manila Time) - Saturday 18 July 2020

The President Asks, What If There is No God?

We disagree that imposing the death penalty follows from the lack of justice in the afterlife. On the contrary, the highly likely execution of innocent citizens would be exponentially more despicable in the absence of an afterlife.

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