No two freethinkers are exactly alike; a group of freethinkers contains a great diversity of perspectives, so there is no one, official perspective shared among all of them. This makes the freethought community a truly vibrant source of ideas and opinions!
In this light, Meet a Freethinker is our series featuring freethinkers of all backgrounds and perspectives. We want to introduce you guys to the people who make up the proverbial melting pot of this growing movement.
Our next freethinker is Rosem Morton.

- Can you briefly introduce yourself?
Hi, I’m Rosem Morton. I am a documentary photographer and nurse based in Baltimore, Maryland. On my days away from the hospital, I photograph stories on health, culture and gender.
I also advocate for survivors of sexual and gender violence through
- How would you define a freethinker?
I think a freethinker is someone who questions the world and does not take things for face value. It is someone who understands that the world and its concepts are all complex. The easier it is, the farther you are from the truth. The more complicated it is, the closer you are to it.
- What belief system do you subscribe to?
I believe in a greater being beyond our understanding. I believe that although some religions may have had good intentions, it is often misused by people in power to continue oppression. I believe in social justice that everyone deserves the same equal economic, political and social rights and opportunities regardless of gender, race, religion, age, class, etc.
- What’s your freethinker story?
I don’t really get interesting reactions when I say I no longer practice my religion. I think people who are religious do not know what to make of me since the stereotype has always been non-religious people are bad or people who do not share my religion are bad. So, the conversation dies pretty quickly.
- How did you get to know Filipino Freethinkers?
I got to know the Filipino Freethinkers last year through a collaboration with Lunas Collective. We organized some workshops for survivors of gender-based violence.
- What are some of your initiatives in the realm of human rights or the betterment of society?
My current initiative is this project called, Dear Survivor. It is a multifaceted project designed to build community, support and resources for survivors of sexual violence and their allies. The website hosts different resources such as a photo series, a workbook, a sharing space, a podcast, and workshops.
- Is there anything people can do to help these initiatives?
I would love for folks to check out this online space. There is no pressure at all to engage. If you feel moved to do so, there are many ways to be involved like sharing your stories, sharing your reactions, sharing some survivor affirmations, sharing resources on social media, listening to the podcast, downloading a workbook to explore your experiences through art and also just sharing some feedback.