Today is International Women's Day! In addition to the usual links, we have some great articles discussing women fighting for equality and religious reform,women at CERN (Angels and Demons stuff, people!), and an opinion piece about ending maternal deaths. We also have an essay from Christopher Hitchen's brother about his faith and an expose about Scientology.
Today's FF links include a presidential endorsement, discrimination against gays, the Oscars, AI, sex and gay prostitution, and evolution. Same old, same old?
Last week there was this short-lived but hilarious Facebook phenomenon called the Movement To Stop Filipino Freethinkers. It was a fan page announcing that the Filipino Freethinkers, while claiming to promote reason, are actually attacking Christianity.
Letting Go of God
Root of All Evil
Enemies of Reason
Sex, Drugs, and Religion
and short films about
Plus a short documentary...
I remember a feature in Discovery Channel many years ago on the idea of downloading everything from a person’s mind – knowledge, memories, language, emotions, etc. – and uploading it to a supercomputer that controls a robot. This robot would then act and interact based on the whole personality of the borrowed mind, and it would keep on doing so even after the person is long dead...