Would Jesus say “Happy Birthday?” Many Catholics would answer, “of course!” After all, Catholics believe that birth is a gift from God surely worth celebrating. Therefore, not only would Jesus allow the greeting, he would even recommend it.
But before there were birthday bashes, birthdays were bashed. For over 300 years, Church leaders such as Origen taught that “it is only sinners (like Pharaoh and Herod) who make great rejoicings over the day on which they were born into this world below.” They considered celebrating birthdays a blasphemy, a disgusting practice performed only by pagans.
Birthdays were blasphemous because dedicating a day to one person was considered idolatry — worshipping a false god — and participating in such rituals was apostasy — adhering to a false religion. It was common knowledge to early Catholics that the false god was Mithra and the false religion was Mithraism. For two centuries Mithraism was Christianity’s main competitor, so many Christian converts came from Mithraism.
Most notable among them was Constantine the Great, the first Roman emperor to profess Christianity and officially enforce it. But although he is responsible for spreading this religion, Constantine’s critics, especially the early Catholic leaders, question whether it was really Christianity he was spreading. Because many elements of Mithraism are evident in Constantine’s Christianity.
Before Constantine promoted his hybrid version, many of the Mithraic doctrines and practices now shared by mainstream Christianity were not held by pre-Constantine Christians. For instance, early Christians followed the Biblical Sabbath day, Saturday. But Constantine changed the Sabbath day to Sunday, the day of his former Sun-God Mithra.
He also changed the dates of two of the most important Holy Days: Passover and Christmas. Some even accused him of changing the day of Passover to Sunday to somehow honor his birthday. And back then, Christians didn’t even celebrate Christ’s birth. Two reasons: first, celebrating birthdays was blasphemous; second, they didn’t even know when it was. Considering how much Constantine loved birthdays, giving one to his new god only made sense.
But why December 25? Again, two reasons: first, many Romans already celebrated that date as Saturnalia; second, it was the birthday of Constantine’s former Sun-God Mithra.
Constantine’s actions made historians question whether he was spreading Christianity or just using it as a tool to unify his kingdom. Since such unification was also a major Mithraic goal, it’s not a stretch that even Constantine’s Christianization had pagan origins.
Like Christianity in general, the pagan origins of birthdays remain evident to this day. Birthday greetings are based on the belief that spells and charms are more potent on the day of your birth — when your soul was closest to the spirit world — and parties were held so that friends and family could protect the celebrant from evil spirits on this most vulnerable day. Birthday gifts recall pagan sacrifices, revealing the morbid origins of giving dolls as gifts (Yup, human sacrifice). Round birthday cakes lit with candles paid tribute to the moon god Artemis, and the magical flames blown out would carry our wishes to the gods.
So. Would Jesus say “Happy Birthday”? There is no record of him doing so, and because Jesus was a Jew who followed Jewish teachings, he probably never did. He even had good reason to hate birthday celebrations more than early Christians: The only birthday recorded in the New Testament was Herod’s, and he celebrated it by chopping John the Baptist’s head off, delivering it on a platter to his daughter and wife to fulfill their birthday wish.
I found this blog post extremely interesting. I grew up in a strict Christian household. I have been going to church and Sunday school ever since I can remember. Yet, I never knew any of the facts presented in this blog. I am starting to question whether I have been taught the right facts all along. Isn't it so strange that just because one powerful person in history presented ideas, everyone followed them. Now, centuries later, our traditions are altered.
And what was the purpose of that? Will it matter if Jesus did say Happy Birthday? Is there an important point somewhere? Or are you just trying to appear smart by bashing catholics?
Writing this piece shows a facet of your character. If you have to pull others down to feel good about yourself- then you probably don't think too highly of yourself.
ant quote: ignore them or crush them – to give them more is honoring them.
you honor catholics too much.
to educate you.
does it matter to jesus? probably will.
important point? you missed it entirely.
bashing catholics? everybody’s celebrating birthdays – catholics included
ignore them or crush them – to give them more is honoring them. – i think you just went to honoring them. move along now. ignore. ignore.
There is also no record of Jesus celebrating Christmas.
Jesus who?
Luke 12:56
Hypocrites! You know how to interpret the appearance of the earth and the sky. How is it that you don’t know how to interpret this present time?
You still don't know Catholicism? Even the natives knows how to be with Catholicism… Catholicism said: "I gave you peace, peace I gave you." They did not say "Piece I gave you , I gave you pieces." 🙂
'Time and space' is not 'space and time'…
Your point is irrelevant. The article itself only presents a historical perspective on the pagan influences on Christianity.
Delicious stuff like this are among many that religious people would love to ignore.
And stuff like this is what some people (such as myself) love to use to annoy them 🙂