Senator Miriam Santiago's theological argument for the Reproductive Health Bill relies on the Catholic doctrine called "primacy of conscience." But some...
An artist puts a penis on a poster of Jesus and on a symbol of the Christian cross. A priest puts a penis inside the mouth and vagina of a 17-year-old girl. Which is more offensive? Which is more deserving of a Christian's disgust and damnation?
There is something wrong with the universe. A group of Bishops have sought moral absolution from a bunch of politicians, in a gallery crowded by the Catholic supporters, after some heavy lobbying with the politicians beforehand.
To adapt to the varying needs of Catholics all over the world, Pope Benedict XVI has revised the Vatican's position on secularism, releasing his latest catechism, Contextual Secularism in a Changing World.
After hearing all kinds of nonsense in Congress, from the religious arguments of Rep. Pablo Garcia to the superstitious ones of Rep. Roilo Golez, it was inspiring to listen to Senator Pia Cayetano's sponsorship speech on the RH Bill.
Ever since the whole business with the Reproductive Health Bill erupted, I've witnessed just how creative the Filipino people can become in trying to push an issue.