
When I Was Cheated

I was cheated. I was cheated when I was in school, not by my classmates but by the very exams that...

The Greatest Love of All

I was preparing my first cup of coffee for the day when my ears picked up that song by Jamie...

Atheists are Rascals! (Part 3)

"If the universe requires a maker because it undergoes change, even God needs a maker because he sometimes creates, sometimes destroys." - Flower Offerings of Arguments

Pain of Not Knowing

The Road Less Traveled author M. Scott Peck, MD wrote something about the “pain of not knowing”. I don’t remember much...

A Simple Straight to the Fact Answer Will Do.

Do these snake-oil salesmen (AKA Christian televangelists) can’t even give a straight to the face answer without resorting to biblical roller coaster rides and name-calling?

The Atheist Professor with no Brain ?

Have you read the story of the atheist professor and the Christian student? Well, here's a better version.

What Return Can I Make?

Here is something I wrote back when I still considered myself a liberal theist. Although I'm now practically a deist who...


Why do people believe in ghosts? You'd think that if they'd existed all these thousands of years, someone somewhere would've been able to get positive proof. Yet all we've come up with so far are a million anecdotes and those "reality" ghost shows, which are basically just footage of a bunch of idiots running around in a dark house and asking one another, "Did you hear that? Did you see that?" Yet a lot of people still believe they exist. And not just ghosts, but manananggal, tiyanak, mangkukulam, and a host of other supernatural beings.

Towards healthier skepticism: Correlation does not imply causation

This post will attempt to repeat, clarify, and elucidate the need for the remembrance and understanding of the phrase "correlation does...

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