separation of church and state

Bigotymology: What it Really Means to Be a Bigot (Like Sotto, Pacquiao, and the CBCP)

Whenever I listen to Senator Sotto on the RH Bill, Manny Pacquiao on homosexuality, and the CBCP on pretty much everything,...

Monopolizing Marriage: Gay Marriage and Other Traditional Versions

It's a good time to be gay (and lesbian and bi and trans). Obama's support for same-sex marriage came shortly after...

How Religious Party-Lists Circumvent the Separation of Church and State

An anti-Reproductive Health bill group composed of members of the Catholic laity is seeking accreditation from the Commission on Elections (Comelec) to run...

The Privilege of Personhood: Why Same-Sex Couples Deserve the Right to Marry

Marriage is a right, or more specifically, a privilege. According to the Hohfeldian system for describing the form of rights, to say that one has a privilege-right to do something is to say that one has no duty not to do it.

In Their Hearts: Bishop Bacani and the Secret Religiosity of Secular Individuals

I've been outed. In a recent interview, Bishop Bacani revealed the truth that although I identify as an atheist, I actually believe in God.

Michigan’s Religious Bullying Bill

With the reproductive health bill still stuck in legislation, our legislators need a lesson or two about religious freedom. But I...

Church and State: Why They Can’t be Friends

The official news website of the Catholic Bishops Conference of the Philippines (CBCP) recently published an article titled "Church and state: Why can't they be friends?" which tells of the Pope's warning on the dangers of secularism. The following are some key excerpts pertinent to the Philippine situation and worthy of analysis, in an attempt to answer the title question why the church and state can't indeed be friends.

Satire and Straw Man: Truth and Fallacy in RH Discourse

While satire reveals truths about its target, straw man arguments say less about the target and more about its author. Are the anti-RH so helpless in the face of the real pro-RH position that they're left grasping at straws?

Another Prayer

If you respect the separation of church and state mandated by our Constitution, you can find better ways to start Senate hearings than saying a prayer. Yet this is just what our senators do, and the start of the debates on the reproductive health bill were no different.

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