Roman Catholic Church

Pope updates stance on secularism with new catechism

To adapt to the varying needs of Catholics all over the world, Pope Benedict XVI has revised the Vatican's position on secularism, releasing his latest catechism, Contextual Secularism in a Changing World.

Rizal’s most anti-clerical work

"Out of all the works of Rizal, which one is the most anti-Church?" My co-guest asked me this question while waiting...

Vatican celebrates 30th AIDS anniversary with more bigotry

Did the Pope's statement about condom use in exceptional cases show that he's changed his mind about them? Is the CBCP defying the Vatican by denouncing the Reproductive Health Bill in spite of the Pope's pronouncement? Between the CBCP and the Vatican, which organization is more bigoted? These questions are answered once and for all by the Vatican's recent efforts at the 2011 High Level Meeting on AIDS.

Atty. Jo Imbong on Imperialist, Non-Filipino RH Bill

The RH Bill did not come from Filipino legislators but from foreign organizations, Atty. Jo Imbong of the CBCP explained in English.

Malta says “yes” to divorce, “yes” to secularism

Yesterday, the pro-divorce movement won the referendum on divorce with a majority of 54%, ending a battle that has delayed the...

The Penalty for Pro-RH Catholics: Exclusion, Excommunication, and Eternal Damnation

Will pro-RH Catholics go to Hell when they die? If my research on the official teachings of the Catholic Church is...

The Incredible Shrinking Mother Church

The Church is out of step with the Filipino people who have realized that compassion for those neglected by society is more virtuous than infantile and dogmatic obsessing over purity and virginity.

The Day of the Purple Ribbon — A Secular Success

The Day of the Purple Ribbon will be remembered for different reasons. Some will remember the strong political statements made by RH...

The Future Saint John Paul II

With his recent beatification, John Paul II is now just one miracle shy of a confirmed sainthood. A confirmed sainthood would mean that the Roman Catholic Church believes on faith that John Paul II is, in fact, in a place called heaven, in the presence of someone called Jesus Christ.

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