Roman Catholic Church

Don’t Think, Just Obey: Progressive Nuns and the Primacy of Conscience

Despite disagreeing with bishops on almost every political issue of controversy -- contraception, LGBT rights, etc. -- many progressives maintain their...

In Their Hearts: Bishop Bacani and the Secret Religiosity of Secular Individuals

I've been outed. In a recent interview, Bishop Bacani revealed the truth that although I identify as an atheist, I actually believe in God.

Is Faith Compatible With Science?

The existence of religious scientists only proves, as Sam Harris observes, that good ideas can live with bad ideas in the same head.

Contraception, Corona, and Unimpeachable Dogma

The Hypothetical Case of Corona Imagine that by some miracle, the prosecution managed to provide overwhelming evidence that could convict Corona. But...

If Catholics Worshipped Satan, Would They Know?

"The Devil lives in the Vatican. He has won over the confidences of people but naturally its difficult to find proof...

Dear Princess Celestia…

Despite its exceedingly cute appearance and tone, My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic garnered a large following far beyond its target audience thanks to its animation quality, pop culture references (The Big Lebowski, anyone?), song numbers, character depth, and witty humor. Yes. I am a Brony.

Black Nazarene, Black Opium

The familiarity of the Jesus story has anesthetized us from what is at the heart of the ritual. Millions of men, women, and children are moving around a wooden statue of a bloodied victim of torture, capital punishment, and God-sanctioned human sacrifice. The Black Nazarene is an ironic pornographic celebration of violence—the overt violence of the past and the more subtle violence of the present.

What Would a True Catholic Philippines Look Like?

Avoiding the unimpressive arguments for the existence of the specific Catholic flavor of Yahweh, let us, like millions of Filipinos, simply take this on faith. How would the much-desired fully-realized Catholic Nation of the Philippines look?

Mother Teresa: Blessed Billionaire, Holy Hypocrite

Mother Teresa was not a friend of the poor. She was a friend of poverty. She said that suffering was a...

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