Roman Catholic Church

Cruz on Choice: The Curse of Free Will

Ex-CBCP President Oscar "the Borg" Cruz wrote a new post on his blog, and once again it defies logic, reason, and...

Authority in Religion, Law and Science

In debates and discussions contenders often cite authority to support their assertions. In some cases citing authority is the strongest strategy while in others it is the weakest.


Padre Damaso was a portrait - a perfect caricature of Roman Catholicism in the Philippines. Dámaso Verdolagas was a perfect villain. Cunning,...

Aquino-CBCP Dialogues are Pointless

If the Catholic Church is indeed the sole keeper of the truth as it pertains to the mystery of the supernatural, though I contend that they are not, their pronouncements reflect the desires of the creator of the universe himself. From this, we must understand that Catholics are simply not allowed the freedom to pick and choose which of God's commandments to follow.

With Apologies to XKCD…

Awesomely epic photobomb from yesterday's rally in front of the CBCP. That’s Red Tani of Filipino Freethinkers behind him, together with an homage to a classic xkcd cartoon.

Now Who’s Being Unreasonable?: Carlos Celdran, the Catholic Bishops, and the Failure of Reason.

I sympathize with the folk who find Carlos Celdran’s actions offensive and unreasonable. But let me suggest, too, that there’s enough unreasonableness to go around, and maybe it didn’t start with Carlos shouting in Manila Cathedral.

FF Top Ten: July 25, 2010

Desmond Tutu's retiring, Redford White's passed away, and we've been rocked by three earthquakes that the local news agencies seem to have not noticed. Of course, it's not all dull and dreary as we serve up another batch of weekly news updates!

In the Philippines, Wolves Amidst the Sheep?

A 2004 report by the Catholics for Free Choice and Likhaan finds that no priest accused of sexual abuse in the Philippines seems to have been successfully prosecuted. In fact, most of them seem to be in active ministry today.

Philippine Politics and the Church

“Leave the matter of religion to the family altar, the church and the private schools, supported entirely by private contributions. Keep the church and the state forever separated.”

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