RH Bill

Should There Be An Absolute Moral Standard?

"Not much experience is needed to be fully aware of human weakness and to understand that human beings—and especially the young, who are so exposed to temptation—need incentives to keep the moral law, and it is an evil thing to make it easy for them to break that law."

Dehumanizing Opponents

A behavior one can observe is how the Anti-RHB groups have actually attempted to dehumanize their opponents. One can easily see it in the headlines as Bishops accuse Pro-RH people of immorality in public online discussions. The readiness of the Anti-RHB to never understand a side that understands them all too well is apparent.

Condoms: Education or Distribution? Free or Sold?

It's sad reading all this debate between the CBCP and Secretary Cabral on this issue of free condom distribution. Personally, I believe that contraceptives should not be given freely. The secretary is better off distributing free medicines rather than focusing on free contraceptives. There are those who are in dire need of medicines these days.

On Sex and Contraception

Sex feels good and it stimulates the entire body. Muscles tighten and heart rate rises along with blood pressure, respiration and body temperature. The brain becomes flooded with dopamine, the ‘feel-good’ neurotransmitter. Finally, a feeling of oneness with the universe (or at least with the partner) washes over, clearing the mind. Sex is not just a physical and physiological experience but also a psychological and even spiritual one – and maybe that’s why some people shout “Oh, my God” during orgasm.

Pro-Choice, Be Safe

I take birth control pills. So what. I could tell you it’s because it helps to regulate my often haywire menstrual...

Rational Hero at RockEd Radio

*UPDATE*: This has been postponed to Dec. 3, 9:45pm to make way for discussions on the Maguindanao massacre. Tune in to...

Filipino Freethinkers meet Risa Hontiveros

Thanks to Carlo Ople, Benj, Tania, and I had an enlightening evening with Rep. Risa Hontiveros-Baraquel. It was enlightening for this...

Just Like Rabbits

It was just fortunate for me to be invited by a friend to attend a razzmatazz sponsored by Pro-Life Philippines in...

Be a Rational Hero

I was raised a Catholic, and as a child, religion was all about loving my neighbors, singing songs, reciting the prayers...

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