
Darwin's Missing Link

Since my political commentaries aren’t always publishable here at the Filipino Freethinkers site, I decided to just focus on themes that...

When does life begin?

The claim that life begins at fertilization is not only provably false, it cheapens the breathtaking reality of nature.

The Moral High Ground

What conservative Catholics continue to call as "immoral" is the simple admission that human suffering is wrong and that we should do everything in our power to prevent it.

A Wageworker’s View on Humanity

Humanity, here’s how I see it – it’s far more sophisticated than following some outdated guidelines on an outmoded book of moral codes and stories.

The Greyness of Morality

Image by CGPGrey In the 17th Asia-Pacific Congress on Faith, Life and Family, Archbishop Gaudencio Cardinal Rosales had the following to say...

Biblical Morality?

I was intrigued by the quote that I saw in the Internet, something that was said by a certain T.B. Wakeman...

Where’s Your Conscience?

It is the traditional teaching of the Roman Catholic church that the conscience is the final judge whether an action is...

The Morality of a Nonbeliever

One of the most common reactions I hear from theists on atheism or even on freethought in general is a question on where the nonbelievers base their morality considering they do not hold themselves accountable to an absolute standard or have their actions confined by the threat of eternal fire.

The Morality of a Freethinker

"The atheist's morality of "do no harm" is actually much more complex than the theist's "10 commandments" when actually put into practice. By no means, however, does this make the atheist's morality inferior. Our morality is more nuanced, which many theists interpret as lacking principles, because they are unable to understand what isn't spelled out exactly for them in a simple list."

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