
Anti-RH Church Leaders Blame Calamities on RH

Many Catholics would agree that nature, not God, is to blame for this tragedy. But for some leaders of the Catholic Church, the Reproductive Health (RH) law is to blame.

Will RH Limit Freedom of Religion?

Why would a person choose to be in a job that goes against their religious beliefs? And why should we expect a company to retain a person who cannot effectively do their job?

Double Standards – Contraceptives and Medicines

Imagine a woman warned by her doctor to refrain from having a fifth pregnancy for medical reasons. She decides to use...

A Rebuttal to the Defense of CBCP’s Stand on the RH Bill

Bishop Gabriel V. Reyes defended the stand of the Catholic Bishops' Conference of the Philippines (CBCP) on the RH bill by saying that their opposition to contraceptives, which the RH bill seeks to fund and promote, is not based on faith or revelation, but on "natural law."

“Your Mother Should Have Used RH,” Says BUHAY Spokesperson

I recorded this video interview with Frank when I got home from COMELEC before writing this post. Some details might be...

The Unborn Representatives: How BUHAY Makes a Mockery of the Party-List System

Note: Please also read how BUHAY responded to our opposition of their party-list accreditation in COMELEC. The party-list system of representation is...

Pro-RH Catholics: Please Create a Pro-RH Church

Dear Pro-RH Catholics, You've been asking the Vatican for pro-RH reforms for over four decades. During that time, your leader, the Pope,...

From Pro-Lies to Puro Lies: Why Ang Prolife Lied to COMELEC

Eric Manalang swore under oath: to tell the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth, so help him God....

Monopolizing Marriage: Gay Marriage and Other Traditional Versions

It's a good time to be gay (and lesbian and bi and trans). Obama's support for same-sex marriage came shortly after...

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