The words behind “Be fruitful and multiply” came out from the human experience and instinct for survival and the enhancement of life; that is the universal context from which one must understand the verse. That should be the basis for reasoning out that the verse is a testament of loving and valuing life. The Church and many of its adherents see the surface about the love and value for (human) life. Unfortunately, they fail to see the message underneath the surface.
Earlier today, Congress' Committee on Population and Family Relations voted to pass the consolidated Reproductive Health Bill to the second reading....
We need to construct a compelling prevention narrative... One that inspires countries to mount permanent prevention campaigns that are socially inclusive,...
Carlos Celdran's trial is one of the highlights of the fight for the Reproductive Health Bill, which is encountering a ton of opposition from the Catholic Church and other Catholic organizations, even though the people themselves seem to be all for it.
Tonight, we advocates of social justice and free and informed choice, come together in an expression of solidarity towards the passage of the Reproductive Health Bill.