

Doge and Lazy Cynicism

In the exclusive club of people who are perpetually unimpressed, Doge has developed into the secret handshake of inarticulate cynics.

Why I No Longer Root For Pope “Bergoglio” Francis

If you have been following the recent online activity in my social media accounts (Facebook & Twitter), I'm sure you have...

John W. Loftus, Author of The Outside Test for Faith – Freethinker Interview

This week, we interview John W. Loftus, atheist author, former student of William Lane Craig, and ex-apologist. We talk with him about indoctrination and debunking Christian apologetics.

FF Podcast 26: Feminism

This week, we talk about feminism with special guests Profs. Guy Claudio, director of the UP Center for Women's Studies and Leloy Claudio, Ateneo de Manila assistant professor. We joined them to celebrate the UP CWS 25th anniversary.

FF Podcast 025: Do Believers Give More to Charity?

This week we talk about believers giving more to charity than atheists. Then, we discuss what encourages charity and altruism.

FF Podcast 023: Is the Filipino Spirit Waterproof?

This week, we talk about inspirational Filipino memes during times of crisis and the response of Filipinos to tragedies.

Freddie Aguilar and Special Rights for Muslims

What Aguilar defenders seem to miss, however, is that there is much more cause for concern here than just the private relationship of a public figure. In order to skirt Philippine law, Aguilar has decided to convert to Islam, despite describing himself as a “born-again Catholic,” to marry his underage girlfriend.

Why Our Leaders Should Be Technologists

If I may venture why our country is in such a dire state, it is because we have a huge lack...

FF Podcast (Audio) 021: Microwave Storms and Criticism During Crises

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This week we talk about the conspiracy theory that microwaves were used to generate the devastating Super Typhoon Haiyan (Yolanda). Then, we discuss when it's okay to criticize in times of crisis.

Join us on our live webshow on November 16, 2013. 10 AM to 8 PM (GMT +8). Help raise funds for relief efforts for victims of Super Typhoon Haiyan.

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