

A Conversation with Dan Ariely

This week, we talk with Dan Ariely, psychologist/behavioral economist and the author of Predictably Irrational. We ask him about attractiveness, cheating, and the value of human irrationality.

Quit Predicting the World Cup: An Idiot’s Introduction to Football and Statistics

As much as possible, I avoid making predictions about which team will win the World Cup. First of all, I’m not...

The Pope is Sorry About Priests Who Fuck Children

In a private mass last week, July 7th, Pope Francis apologized to victims of clergy sex abuse. That's cute. Unfortunately, it...

FF Podcast (Audio) 44: Priest Humiliates Unwed Mother

Filipino Freethinkers Podcast (Audio) 44 - Watching Your Words

This week, we talk about the priest who humiliated an unwed mother during the baptism of her child.

FF Podcast 44: Priest Humiliates Unwed Mother

This week, we talk about the priest who humiliated an unwed mother during the baptism of her child.

On the Hazing Article: A General Response to Comments

A few days ago, I wrote, "A Letter to CSB on the Recent Hazing Incident." One reader immediately demanded that I retract...

The Government That Prays Together Steals Together

How does one know that a politician accused of plunder is a devout Catholic? Don’t worry — they’ll tell you. One...

A Letter to CSB on the Recent Hazing Incident

Dear College of Saint Benilde, In the University Mall, next to my alma mater, DLSU, I once saw a 6-foot fratboy punch...

FF Podcast (Audio) 43: Should Progressive Catholics Leave the Church?

Filipino Freethinkers Podcast (Audio) 43 - Should Progressive Catholics Leave the Church?

This week, we talk about the Vatican report that said that a majority of Catholics disagree with the Church's teachings on sex. We talk about whether dissenting Catholics should just leave the Roman Catholic Church.

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