The drug war rests on the premises that drugs completely corrupt the mind and that they lead to crime. Both are largely false justifications for a brutal war that has failed everywhere else.
Progressives have been playing identity politics for much of the past ten years, and it has finally blown up in our faces. We forgot that the ruling class can also play identity politics, and play it they did.
We disagree that imposing the death penalty follows from the lack of justice in the afterlife. On the contrary, the highly likely execution of innocent citizens would be exponentially more despicable in the absence of an afterlife.
This week, we talk about the new Saint Teresa of Calcutta. We discuss some of the myths surrounding her and whether it's better to let the false idea of her inspire people to do good than to tell people the truth.
This week, we talk about France's burqini ban. We talk about oppressive rules about women's clothing and where to strike the balance between freedom of religion and protecting people from coercive religious beliefs.