BlogSocial Justice

Social Justice

Your Senatoriable’s Not-So-Fabulous Stance on Gay Marriage

With the Papal elections winding down in the Vatican, most pinoys are beginning to focus their attention on our very own...

The RH Status Quo, The Way Things Were Before

The Supreme Court of the Philippines voted 10-5 to put a status quo ante order on the RH law, which means...

Lab Letters Issue #8: Life on Mars, the Higgs, and a Frog Brought Back from the Dead

How's it going, friends? Welcome to another issue of Lab Letters, FF's weekly science micro-post!

Convenience Confessional: RH vs. Rape

The confessional is where priests have believers by the balls. This is true both figuratively and literally.

A Jesuit’s Doublespeak on the RH Law

Author's Note: I realize that the title of the article should have been "A Jesuit's Apparent Doublespeak on the RH Law" and that a certain part should have been "...his apparent doublespeak..." because it would better represent my thoughts. However, in the name of journalistic integrity, the title and that particular part will remain albeit this note.

A Thank You Letter for Tintin and Camille

I hope you are aware of what you've done. Are you? Let me tell you.

Benedict Is My Last Pope

Bears defecate in the woods, and popes are Catholic. It therefore comes as no shock that the new Pope Francis is an enemy of equal rights for the LGBT.

Lab Letters Issue #7: 3-D Printed Skulls, Golden Rice, & Viking Sunstones

Hey there, pals! Time for another issue of Lab Letters, FF's weekly micro-post!

Team Buhay, Team Patay, and CBCP’s Team Balimbing

For an institution that thrives on tradition and that loves talking up the long history of the Roman Catholic Church, the...

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