BlogSocial Justice

Social Justice

A Conversation with DJ Grothe of JREF

This week, we talk with DJ Grothe, President of the James Randi Educational Foundation. We discuss freethought, scientific skepticism, and social justice activism.

Anti-RH Supreme Court Justices and the Arroyo Connection

Anti-RH Supreme Court Justices wield GMA ties

FF Podcast (Audio): Rebecca Watson (Conversations for a Cause)

Rebecca Watson of Skepchick

This week, we talk with Rebecca Watson of Skepchick, about using skepticism to address sexism and social justice issues. We also talk about her show with The Skeptics' Guide to the Universe as well as some of her book picks.

A Conversation with Rebecca Watson of Skepchick

This week, we talk with Rebecca Watson of Skepchick, about using skepticism to address sexism and social justice issues. We also talk about her show with The Skeptics' Guide to the Universe as well as some of her book picks.

FF Podcast (Audio) 28: Abortion Rights in the Philippines

Abortion Rights in the Philippines

This week, we talk about abortion rights in the Philippines. We go into detail about what's been happening with the 7th Asia Pacific Conference on Reproductive and Sexual Health and Rights, which conservative Catholics have been trying to shut down.

FF Podcast 28: Abortion Rights in the Philippines

This week, we talk about abortion rights in the Philippines. We go into detail about what's been happening with the 7th Asia Pacific Conference on Reproductive and Sexual Health and Rights, which conservative Catholics have been trying to shut down.

When Faith Becomes Fatal

Last week, I wrote about why faith is not a virtue and that generated some interesting discussions from people I know, both online...

A Conversation with Russell Blackford, philosopher and author

This week, for Conversations for a Cause, we talk with Russell Blackford, philosopher and co-author of 50 Great Myths About Atheism. We talk with him about misconceptions about atheism. Then, we discuss his views on theology and the ethics of human enhancement.

FF Special (Audio) – Nicole Curato on Religion in Public Life

Nicole Curato

This week, we have a special episode featuring sociologist Nicole Curato. She talks about the role of religion in public life.

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