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Podcasts & Videos

FF Podcast (Audio) 40: Should We Still Teach Tagalog?

Filipino Freethinkers Podcast (Audio) 40 - Should We Still Teach Tagalog?

This week we talk about the Commission on Higher Education's decision to remove mandatory Filipino language classes in college.

FF Podcast 40: Should We Still Teach Tagalog?

This week we talk about the Commission on Higher Education's decision to remove mandatory Filipino language classes in college.

FF Podcast (Audio) 39: Should Church Officials Return the Napoles Money?

Filipino Freethinkers Podcast (Audio) 39 - Should Church Officials Return the Napoles Money?

This week, we talk about Father Ramirez, who allegedly received millions in stolen taxpayer money via Janet Lim-Napoles. Church officials, including Cardinal Tagle, have now come out in defense of the priest.

FF Podcast 39: Should Church Officials Return the Napoles Money?

This week, we talk about Father Ramirez, who allegedly received millions in stolen taxpayer money via Janet Lim-Napoles. Church officials, including Cardinal Tagle, have now come out in defense of the priest.

A Conversation with Richard Carrier

This week, we talk with the historian and philosopher, Richard Carrier. We talk to him about the evidence for Jesus' historical...

FF Podcast (Audio) 38: Filming an Abortion

Filipino Freethinkers Podcast (Audio) 38 - Filming an Abortion

This week, we talk about Emily Letts, an abortion counselor who filmed her own abortion and posted it online.

FF Podcast 38: Filming an Abortion

This week, we talk about Emily Letts, an abortion counselor who filmed her own abortion and posted it online.

FF Podcast (Audio) 37: Would You Marry a Computer?

Filipino Freethinkers Podcast (Audio) 37 - Would You Marry A Computer?

This week, we talk about a man who is protesting against marriage equality by trying to marry his porn-infested computer.

FF Podcast 37: Would You Marry a Computer?

This week, we talk about a man who is protesting against marriage equality by trying to marry his porn-infested computer.

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