

Mr. Deity: God's very own webshow

I was checking out Seed's Daily Zeitgeist the other day, Seed Magazine's list of fresh Science-related links, and I just discovered...

What The Faith — The Baldy, the Babes, and the Bears

In his first post in our new Nerd Word segment, Frank argued that Science is more interesting because it always brings...

Nerd Word – Spaghettification

The Bible is old. It's been around for a while now, and there's really nothing new you can learn from reading...

Sorry guys, I'm reconverting…

You can forward my message below to both believers and non-believers alike. There are many kind hearted people, some are educated some...

Logos never lie

While we're on the topic of logos, God, being his usual mysterious way-working self, inspired me to chance upon (you have...

Falling In Love: The Physics Of Attraction

This article discusses why the colloquial expressions such as “That's why I gravitate towards you”, "I'm falling for you", and “She...

October Meetup 1

Two weeks after God drowned our anticipated Blasphemy Day meetup with Ondoy the Obliterator, we're dry and doing it again: We...

Towards healthier skepticism: Correlation does not imply causation

This post will attempt to repeat, clarify, and elucidate the need for the remembrance and understanding of the phrase "correlation does...

Does God Exist? Video Campaign — Refuted

If you live inside Facebook, I'm pretty sure you've already seen someone posting this video, (or maybe you've posted it yourself...

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