

Consequences of Nonsense #3

Lord, where are you going?

Consequences of Nonsense #2

*No approved therapeutic claims

Live your Life…

Great things happen because you made them happen Life is too short, so live it the way you want it You may not...

Christian vs Non-Believer meet again

Hi, I just thought that the ending was not enough. After some of the reactions, I thought I'd create a new...

Alphabetical Alliterations by a Filipino Freethinker (My Mini-Manifesto)

Assess Authority -- Assert Autonomy Bash Bigotry Challenge Convention Doubt Dogma Examine Everything -- Educate Everyone Fight Fundamentalism -- Forfeit Faith Guide the Gullible Help Humanity Improve Intelligence --...

Christian vs Non-Believer

Seeing that this is a site for freethinkers and I am a Non-believer, I get to choose who the cool guy...

Nouthanasis: The Eternal Now

the birth of Another, the apathy of Otherness — this altercation of the unconscious Self, born of the irrational Yet: the vague paradigm of...

Another ADD Atheist Bashing…Grow up.

Amateur (or should I say “immature) and defenders of certain Christian cults have a peculiar way of confronting the issues posted...

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