Yet Another Saturday Starbucks Meetup: October 16

RSVP on Facebook

Date: Saturday, October 16, 2010
Time: 1:00pm – 4:00pm

It’s another travelling meetup but we won’t stray too far from home. Tentative but very likely meetup location is at the Starbucks at the Anson’s across The Podium. There may be more than one Starbucks at Anson’s look for the group of smart sexy people with the FF sign!  This is near SM Megamall, see the map below. The meetup is the volcano. Just cause

Event Map

Discussion topics:
– Excommunication party
– What would freethinkers do?
– Elevator pitch arguments
– Space Technology vs. Poverty
– Accomodationism

If anyone wants to lead a discussion or suggest a topic, please bring it up in the comments!

* Newbies are welcome.
* Look for the FF sign (or the group of smart, sexy people).
* There is no required age, religion, philosophy, or IQ level.
* Discussions are informal yet intelligent (most of the time).
* You don’t have to talk; you can just sit in and listen.
* You don’t have to buy anything from Starbucks.

Post meetup dinner and drinks would either be at El Pueblo or The Podium. If you’re not a meetup regular and can’t make it for the meetup but would like to go for the post meetup, please indicate in a comment so that we can contact you.


  1. Heya! There's just one Starbucks at the Anson's building across from the Podium in Ortigas, so you wouldn't be able to miss it, as it's out in front and right next to the main appliance store entrance.

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