We Really Should Get Our Focus Back On Religion

Shortly after Karlo’s article What’s So Wrong With Objectivism was published, someone went berserk and got busy writing against the Filipino Freethinkers and even created a Facebook page called EXPOSING THE FILIPINO FREETHINKERS: The Enemy of REASON.

He also made this very cool logo specially for us:

Well unfortunately for him, this only exposed his own irrationality. When freethinkers joined the group and posted straightforward questions like why does he say that the FF is the enemy of reason, instead of responding he simply removed the posts and banned the annoying posters from his page and then wrote, “FREE-FARTERS ARE NOT ALLOWED TO COMMENT ON THIS GROUP.” Now that doesn’t sound very reasonable especially for someone who accuses us of being enemies of reason, does it?

However tempting it is to get back at this RANDROID, I believe we will just be wasting our time and losing focus on the more important things like challenging Religion and exposing how it has blinded the Filipinos and helped perpetuate poverty in our country. The Church is very much bigger than our fledgling fellowship that it can afford to ignore our constant criticisms and our attempts at awakening its followers. I think we should do the same to this Randroid and his brainless bashing: ignore him into nonexistence. He is insignificant because he is not capable of  gathering as many cult followers as even the most obscure religions. Besides, he is actually doing us a favor by posting our link to his blog and Facebook page, telling his readers to check our site and forum. How can that be bad? Let the readers decide who really is the irrational one.

Karlo has done a great job of writing that well-researched article on Ayn Rand Objectivism, and I think that should be more than enough to answer our stalker’s immature attacks including his calling us “Free-Farters”. I just wonder how long he tries to hold his flatulence.


  1. First time I saw that page. Hey it's cool! At least we now have help in spreading knowledge of FF. I agree with everyone to ignore him but if the urge to resist is hard, do so in a planned manner and never attack alone. The guy is attacking FF with HATE because we stepped on his tail or pushed one of his sacred buttons.

    So…ignore him now but we can definitely use him in the future.

  2. He wants attention, and he's getting it, whether by blog hits or page fans. Just ignore the bugger, "un-Fan" the page and let him drown in his ignorance. Nobody takes him seriously, and he has crossed from humorously ridiculous to just plain ridiculous.

  3. Yes, please just ignore him. It's just a big waste of your time. I realized that the hard way when I decided to read about Ayn Rand and Objectivism. You're dealing with a cult follower, a Randroid, who is seriously convinced that he knows the absolute standard of right and wrong. You can't possibly win an argument with a person whose convictions have no room for disagreements, just like any religious fanatic.

    As I mentioned in my essay, hardcore Objectivists in other online philosophy forums preach their newfound "Ayn-Rand-quoting-brilliance" for a few months. After some time, the reasonable ones learn from other people that dissect and expose their faulty logic. The unreasonable ones become delusional and get banned or become ignored by everyone. It never fails…

    And please don't imitate his name-calling, moralizing, condemnation, ad hominem tactics (I know it's tempting). That's an Objectivist technique, don't go down to his level. Just so you know, that is also written in their holy book, a chapter called "Chapter 19. Argument from Intimidation" in Virtue of Selfishness. This unjust moral condemnation is also what keeps Objectivists a tiny, insignificant group for over the past 40 years. Let's keep it that way. Let's go back to religion, that's the bigger enemy than anyone else.

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