Café Humaniste: A Humanist Future
3pm (Manila Time) – Sunday
8 August 2021
RSVP on Facebook
With everything going on in the present, we thought some discussions about where we’re going would help us appreciate where we are and where we want to be. Join this Café Humaniste session hosted by Filipino Freethinkers as we discuss the future: of work, of life, of humanity.
We’ll also discuss
- Democratizing space? [https://news.yahoo.com/billionaire-space-race-for-all…]
- The Future of Work
- 4-Day Work Week and other alternatives: [https://forge.medium.com/7-ways-to-do-a-workweek…]
- The Great Resignation: [https://www.npr.org/…/as-the-pandemic-recedes-millions…]
- Living forever digitally [https://www.indiewire.com/…/microsoft-black-mirror…/]
- What is the future of equality? [https://archive.org/stream/HarrisonBergeron/Harrison Bergeron_djvu.txt]
- regular topics, such as the news round and the raunchy topic of the week
This Café Humaniste is supported by Humanists International http://humanists.international/
- Newbies are welcome, and admission to the meetup is free.
- There is no required age, religion, philosophy, or IQ level.
- Discussions are informal yet intelligent (most of the time).
- Early birds get to play board/video/party games with the group.
- Some of us are shy. Some of us just like to sit in and listen. Some of us participate in the conversations with enthusiasm. That’s all okay! We’re just happy to have you in the meetup.
- The meetup is 100% online for everyone’s safety (most places are still under quarantine). The meeting software is Zoom. If you’re not familiar with Zoom, here’s a handy tutorial on how to participate in a Zoom meeting. You’ll need a computer or a mobile device and internet access to join.
- Community guidelines will apply.