molecular biology

A New Genetic Code?

The finding, as the article later explains, is that there are two new modifications discovered of the canonical nucleotide cytosine and not that there are somehow new forms of genes that code for alien proteins.

Gonorrhea Takes Human DNA

Just in time for Valentine's Day, researchers from Northwestern Medicine have discovered that the bacterium that causes the sexually transmitted infection of Gonorrhea, Neisseria gonorrhoeae, has taken up human DNA and incorporated it into its own genome.

Teleporting DNA

…a stunning result—so stunning that it seems rather dubious. The claim posited here is that dilute quantities of DNA can somehow emit “DNA waves” via its natural electromagnetic field and that this signal mimics the exact DNA sequence of the source in water.

The Genetic Case Against God

If there was any branch of science that could have ever vindicated the doctrine of vitalism (the belief that something nonphysical is the force behind the phenomenon of life), it would have been molecular biology and its study of the genetic and chemical underpinnings of life.

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