Humanae Vitae

Contraception, Corona, and Unimpeachable Dogma

The Hypothetical Case of Corona Imagine that by some miracle, the prosecution managed to provide overwhelming evidence that could convict Corona. But...

The Future Saint John Paul II

With his recent beatification, John Paul II is now just one miracle shy of a confirmed sainthood. A confirmed sainthood would mean that the Roman Catholic Church believes on faith that John Paul II is, in fact, in a place called heaven, in the presence of someone called Jesus Christ.

Why the Church allows Natural Birth Control (but not Contraception)

"It has been said that a couple who use the infertile period have intercourse at that time precisely to prevent the beginning of a new life. Their positive means are the use of a thermometer and the charting of temperatures. But this objection is nugatory."

Women degraded, treated as objects

One of the arguments we often hear from anti-RH apologists is that if contraceptives are made widely available, women will be...

Talking to Death

The common sexist notion is that women talk too much. But on the issue of reproductive health, a bachelors' club and...

The disturbing politics behind the Church’s anti-contraceptive stand

The overwhelming majority in the Pontifical Commission on Birth Control concluded that artificial birth control did not violate the Church’s teachings, and that Catholic couples should decide for themselves what methods to use. However, a Jesuit theologian wrote a dissenting report.

Age of Reason finally dawns on the Philippines

When citizens and politicians start publicly opposing the Church on an issue as serious to the Catholic doctrine as contraception, one cannot help but imagine that the Age of Reason is finally coming to our country.

Church and Contraceptives: Stripping off the Rationalizations

A few days ago the CBCP issued a statement exhorting the proposed bills on sex education and reproductive health, saying that "the foundation of the moral society is a central religious truth" and that "to disregard moral and religious to be defenseless to the onslaught of corruption."

Humanae Vitae Limerick

It was one of those cool rainy nights When they'd just kissed and made up from a fight They started to hug When their...

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