Monthly Archives: December, 2009

A Universe From Nothing

I remember talking to innerminds during the first FF Davao Meet-up, and he was explaining his stance of being a Deist....

L2MF Post #04: Happy Holidays!

Dear Dad, Happy Holidays! In this letter, I will take a break from reading the Bible and from discussing a particular doctrine from...

The True True Meaning of Christmas

I was supposed to deliver a reflection at the Unitarian Universalist meeting tonight, but I had to cancel at the last...

FF Davao Meet-up

Twelve freethinkers plus the one holding the camera. Not bad for a first meet-up. This is Harley's P90 burger. That patty is...

Eradicate Poverty? Correct the Victim Mindset First

***Something I wrote a long, long time ago.  Just wanted to share this, considering that we're in the "season of giving"...

A Letter From Jesus

Apparently, I got a letter from Jesus! He has graciously thought to send me an invitation (via e-mail, I must add)...

Deep Rollers

Do you know what a roller pigeon is, Barney? They climb high and fast, then roll over and fall just as...

Secularism and Physics on Death and Immortality

The premise: a problem It has been said over and over again, as a defense or even as a backlash, by religious...

Christians versus atheists in Olympia

This was the scene last year in the Capitol of Washington State. Personally i applaud the handful of atheists who launched...

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