
Level Clear! RH Bill Moves on to Second Reading

Earlier today, Congress' Committee on Population and Family Relations voted to pass the consolidated Reproductive Health Bill to the second reading....

Let Me Be Wrong

I will readily admit that my previous writings have been possessed of the sort of presumptive self-assurance that only a complete...

The HR Bill, Mutants, and the Man Called "Ona"

In this post, I won't argue for the irrationality of Ex-CBCP President Oscar Cruz's stand on the RH Bill or contraception. I've done that before, and the sad reality that many still agree with him is the only reason his opinion is worth refuting. Instead, I'll focus on Oscar's sloppy writing, which I believe reflects an equally sloppy mind.

Secularism vs. Theocracy: Filipino Freethinkers at the Congressional Hearing on the RH Bill

Ken and I attended the recent congressional hearing on the RH Bill. I was to give a speech as a resource...

What actually happened at Manila Cathedral: Revealing the lies and bigotry of Eric Manalang and Pro-Life Philippines

In TV interviews and several published articles, Pro Life Philippines President Eric Manalang lied about the events at Manila Cathedral, when...

L2MF Post #07: On Religious Bloc Voting

Dear Dad, Today I would like to talk about events that are of great importance to a democratic society: elections. Two elections have...

Cruz’s Lament, Silent Dissent

"Damaso!" Carlos shouted. "Damaso!" critics of the CBCP echoed. Retired Archbishop Oscar Cruz waited for Filipino Catholics to reply in their defense....

The Creationist in a Cassock

This is dedicated to Carlos Celdran. For taking a stand against the CBCP, he was charged with "notoriously offending religious feelings." A...

Rizal behind bars: the arrest of Carlos Celdran

Jose Rizal is behind bars. Or at least someone who looks like him (give or take a few pounds). This afternoon, Carlos...

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