Tonight, we advocates of social justice and free and informed choice, come together in an expression of solidarity towards the passage of the Reproductive Health Bill.
What conservative Catholics continue to call as "immoral" is the simple admission that human suffering is wrong and that we should do everything in our power to prevent it.
"Since the Church objects to the use of artificial contraception, the church likewise objects to their dissemination, creating thereby a contraceptive mentality towards a culture of death." - Arch. Angel Lagdameo
Some of us have already acknowledged, albeit reluctantly, that the Church's meddling with the affairs of the State does not violate the Separation mandated by the constitution. But why do we keep on churning articles that attack the Vatican and the CBCP from all angles ranging from Humanae Vitae to the cover-up of sex scandals?
The overwhelming majority in the Pontifical Commission on Birth Control concluded that artificial birth control did not violate the Church’s teachings, and that Catholic couples should decide for themselves what methods to use. However, a Jesuit theologian wrote a dissenting report.