RH Bill

Sign the Manifesto in Support of Choice Now!

Last November 26, more than 100 reproductive health advocates gathered at the very first Excommunication Party in the Philippines, held in...

Secularism vs. Theocracy: Filipino Freethinkers at the Congressional Hearing on the RH Bill

Ken and I attended the recent congressional hearing on the RH Bill. I was to give a speech as a resource...

A Manifesto in Support of Choice

Tonight, we advocates of social justice and free and informed choice, come together in an expression of solidarity towards the passage of the Reproductive Health Bill.

A Wageworker’s View on Humanity

Humanity, here’s how I see it – it’s far more sophisticated than following some outdated guidelines on an outmoded book of moral codes and stories.

The Pride and Humility of a Freethinker

I believe freethinkers are a proud people in a sense that they often undertake to set themselves up as judges of Truth and Knowledge, laughing at the idea of being shipwrecked by the laughter of the gods. But I also believe that freethinkers are a humble people because they acknowledge their own fallibility.

What actually happened at Manila Cathedral: Revealing the lies and bigotry of Eric Manalang and Pro-Life Philippines

In TV interviews and several published articles, Pro Life Philippines President Eric Manalang lied about the events at Manila Cathedral, when...

Anti-RH Lies About The RH Bill

A few hours ago, outside the Manila Cathedral, pro-life activists gave out a couple of leaflets attacking the RH Bill. They...

Anti-RH Bill Catholics Harass RH Bill Supporters

For more comprehensive video coverage of the event, as well as clarifications on some damage control by the Pro-Life side,...

Excommunicate Me!

The CBCP threatens politicians who support the RH bill with excommunication. But our representatives are not backing down. To ensure the...

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