Pope Paul VI

Who I am Today

The nuns, rapture written all over their faces, some of them with tears streaming down their cheeks, continued to scream. Viva il Papa. Viva Il Papa. The only thing that popped into my mind was a quote: “Father, forgive them, they know not what they do.”

Why the Church allows Natural Birth Control (but not Contraception)

"It has been said that a couple who use the infertile period have intercourse at that time precisely to prevent the beginning of a new life. Their positive means are the use of a thermometer and the charting of temperatures. But this objection is nugatory."

The disturbing politics behind the Church’s anti-contraceptive stand

The overwhelming majority in the Pontifical Commission on Birth Control concluded that artificial birth control did not violate the Church’s teachings, and that Catholic couples should decide for themselves what methods to use. However, a Jesuit theologian wrote a dissenting report.

Church and Contraceptives: Stripping off the Rationalizations

A few days ago the CBCP issued a statement exhorting the proposed bills on sex education and reproductive health, saying that "the foundation of the moral society is a central religious truth" and that "to disregard moral and religious truths...is to be defenseless to the onslaught of corruption."

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