
How David Hume’s Critique of the Design Argument Survives for Three Centuries (Part 1)

Hume argues that it is not enough to surmise or prove the existence of a deity from the conclusions gleaned from our knowledge of the universe’s configuration which bears a distant resemblance to human design - cursory and sometimes unintelligent – a world which Hume states is “the only and the first rude essay of some infant deity, who afterwards abandoned it, ashamed of his lame performance.”


I had a dream — That darkness was all there is to see That cold is all there was to feel That there was...

What’s So Wrong with Objectivism?

After reading works of Ayn Rand and Objectivism (Fountainhead, Atlas Shrugged, Objectivist Ethics, Virtue of Selfishness), I think I now understand why Rand’s philosophy has such a cult following. To begin with, I found out that Objectivism is just pure philosophy, it’s not science. There is no evidence to support its claims and therefore it is not scientifically justifiable. It claims to be committed to reason, but without science and evidence to back up its claims, it’s just another belief system — just like any other cult or religion.

Time and Life Part Three: Circle and Straight

A day goes by routinely In the same one singular life The hours reset perpetually But the years are finite though rife Like a wheel...

Don't Associate Me with “Those” Critical Thinkers.

In Problem Solving, I use rationality to work with empirical data to come up with workable solutions. I then test these...

According to Bacon

"It is true, that a little philosophy inclineth man's mind to atheism; but depth in philosophy bringeth men's minds about to religion."

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