Mideo Cruz

Inquirer’s Conservative Catholicism Deserves Greater Public Recognition

Despite the lack of evidence for the story (such evidence would surely merit at least a passing mention in a medical journal), the Philippine Daily Inquirer peddled the "miracle" as truth and elevated it into its editorial.

Blasphemy and the Right to Blaspheme

A couple of weeks ago, actor-director-advocate Mae Paner (a.k.a. Juana Change) assembled a tremendous panoply of talent to produce the video...

On Dicks and Double Standards: Misplaced Reactions to Misplaced Phalluses

An artist puts a penis on a poster of Jesus and on a symbol of the Christian cross. A priest puts a penis inside the mouth and vagina of a 17-year-old girl. Which is more offensive? Which is more deserving of a Christian's disgust and damnation?

God Goes to a Freedom of Expression Rally

To the protesters of the artwork “Poleteismo,” The universe is composed of millions and millions of galaxies. Inside a single galaxy are...

Filipino Freethinkers March in Solidarity with Palayain ang Sining

The Filipino Freethinkers marched with Palayain ang Sining to commemorate Kulo’s now-thwarted closing day, and to show solidarity with our country’s fearless and passionate artistic community.

Palayain ang Sining! A Solidarity March for Freedom of Expression

In commemoration of Kulo's now-thwarted closing day, and to show our solidarity with our country's fearless and passionate artistic community, a march for freedom of expression will take place on the afternoon of the 21st.

UN Affirms Blasphemy as a Human Right

As a signatory and ratifier, the Philippines is legally bound by international law to follow GC34. In the comment, it says that, “Prohibitions of displays of lack of respect for a religion or other belief system, including blasphemy laws, are incompatible with the Covenant….”

Comment on “Freedom from Offense is Offensive to Human Rights”

The “blasphemous” works of Mideo Cruz are no more an excuse for a faith-driven riot by Christian fanatics than the portrayal of Batman and Robin as gay lovers are an excuse for superhero fans to lynch the spoof-makers.

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