
Nouthanasis: The Eternal Now

the birth of Another, the apathy of Otherness — this altercation of the unconscious Self, born of the irrational Yet: the vague paradigm of...

Another ADD Atheist Bashing…Grow up.

Amateur (or should I say “immature) and defenders of certain Christian cults have a peculiar way of confronting the issues posted...

Just My Remarks on Pastor Orlaer's Comments (Part 1)

Before I start, I would like to thank the Christians who visit the Filipino Freethinkers website and grace its pages with...

Losing My Religion

It was inevitable. Oft it's been said, an idle mind is the devil’s workshop, so I knew if I’d be cooped...

My Definition of God

God refers to a supreme being or a divine being. Whether supreme beings or divine beings exist does not matter to me. I...

Faith as reason?

The problem in a “reason vs. faith” topic is we sometimes face with semantic difficulties. It is really more of a “what is the definition of faith you are using” kind of a problem.

He believes in miracles

My friend's grandfather was diagnosed with cancer. On the day of his surgery, he managed to escape from the hospital to go to a nearby church to pray. After he was found and brought back to the hospital, they found his cancer to have completely vanished.

A Simple Straight to the Fact Answer Will Do.

Do these snake-oil salesmen (AKA Christian televangelists) can’t even give a straight to the face answer without resorting to biblical roller coaster rides and name-calling?

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