
Don’t Think, Just Obey: Progressive Nuns and the Primacy of Conscience

Despite disagreeing with bishops on almost every political issue of controversy -- contraception, LGBT rights, etc. -- many progressives maintain their...

Contraception, Corona, and Unimpeachable Dogma

The Hypothetical Case of Corona Imagine that by some miracle, the prosecution managed to provide overwhelming evidence that could convict Corona. But...

Paalam, Soledad

Based on true events, "Paalam, Soledad" follows the struggles of Sister Soledad with her faith and her principles amidst the realities...

Sin, Smallpox, and Sympathy: Why the Church Will Continue to Let Mothers Die

Because for these anti-RH conservative Catholics, protecting human lives is not as important as respecting God.

Church Morality vs. Secular Morality: A Matter of Premise

In society, Church morality and secular morality often come into conflict with each other because their standards, and especially their underlying premises which dictate these standards, are as different as night and day.

Primacy of Conscience in the Prison of the Church

Senator Miriam Santiago's theological argument for the Reproductive Health Bill relies on the Catholic doctrine called "primacy of conscience." But some...

Sen. Santiago’s RH Speech: a Win for RH, a Loss for Secularism

I'm ambivalent about Miriam's RH sponsorship speech. As an RH advocate, I'm happy. Her speech was effective in terms of increasing the chances of the RH Bill passing. But as an advocate of secularism, I'm disappointed.

Crossing Streets and Maternal Death Risks (part 2)

Of around 3.37 M pregnancies that occurred in 2008, 17% led to induced abortions and 14% to unwanted births—more than...

Crossing Streets and Maternal Death Risks

Crossing a busy street and testing one's agility against vehicles has inherent risks. To minimize these risks, we create structures...

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