

FF Podcast (Audio) 011: Pinoy Racism and LGBT Rights

Margie, Red and Pepe host Filipino Freethinkers Podcast Episode 11
Margie, Red, and Pepe are back for episode 11 of the Filipino Freethinkers Podcast. This week, we talk about racism in Filipino culture. Then we take a closer look at the claim that LGBT rights "trample" on the rights of religious people.

FF Podcast 011: Pinoy Racism and LGBT Rights

Margie, Red and Pepe are back for episode 11 of the Filipino Freethinkers Podcast. This week, we talk about racism in Filipino culture. Then we take a closer look at the claim that LGBT rights "trample" on the rights of religious people.

GMOs and Science Denialists: A GMO Primer

Genetic modification of food has been critical in the history of human beings. None of the food we regularly eat today existed before humans and they would never exist outside of “unnatural” human intervention.

Will RH Limit Freedom of Religion?

Why would a person choose to be in a job that goes against their religious beliefs? And why should we expect a company to retain a person who cannot effectively do their job?

Today I Will Justify My Sexism Using God

While we write a lot about the shitty things the Catholic hierarchy tries to impose on people because of their particular...

Hell on a Holiday: Getting Soaked in San Juan

This morning, I fell victim to San Juan Day.

From Bibles to Baboy: The Problem of Christian Privilege

Privilege is the luxury to not understand. The Christian majority can live their lives worry-free, not understanding what non-Christians have to deal with. While, non-Christians are always reminded to be sensitive to Christian beliefs.

An Open Letter to MMDA Chair Tolentino Re: the Dan Brown Letter

I write to you with much concern regarding your recently circulated letter to Inferno author Dan Brown.

Ignorance is Not a Class Issue

Access to information is a class issue; ignorance is not. It is often the case that people who have the privilege of access to limitless information simply reject it on principle, because of dogma, superstition, and blind allegiance to authority.

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