BlogSocial Justice

Social Justice

Freddie Aguilar and Special Rights for Muslims

What Aguilar defenders seem to miss, however, is that there is much more cause for concern here than just the private relationship of a public figure. In order to skirt Philippine law, Aguilar has decided to convert to Islam, despite describing himself as a “born-again Catholic,” to marry his underage girlfriend.

FF Podcast (Audio) 022: What is Freethinking?

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This week, we talk about the basics of freethinking and tackle the common misconceptions people have about both Filipino Freethinkers and freethought in general.

This was recorded on November 16, 2013 as part of our live all-day webshow to raise funds for Typhoon Haiyan (Yolanda) relief.

FF Podcast 022: What is Freethinking?

This week, we talk about the basics of freethinking and tackle the common misconceptions people have about both Filipino Freethinkers and freethought in general.

Why Our Leaders Should Be Technologists

If I may venture why our country is in such a dire state, it is because we have a huge lack...

Anti-RH Church Leaders Blame Calamities on RH

Many Catholics would agree that nature, not God, is to blame for this tragedy. But for some leaders of the Catholic Church, the Reproductive Health (RH) law is to blame.

What You Need To Know About Comet ISON

In the coming days, stargazer the world over are swooning like fanboys and fangirls over the arrival and surprising intensification of Comet ISON. In this article, we will give some of the reasons why astronomers all around the world are geeking out over the comet. We will also give some tips that will be helpful in hunting for this celebrity comet.

FF Podcast (Audio) 021: Microwave Storms and Criticism During Crises

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This week we talk about the conspiracy theory that microwaves were used to generate the devastating Super Typhoon Haiyan (Yolanda). Then, we discuss when it's okay to criticize in times of crisis.

Join us on our live webshow on November 16, 2013. 10 AM to 8 PM (GMT +8). Help raise funds for relief efforts for victims of Super Typhoon Haiyan.

FF Podcast 021: Microwave Storms and Criticism During Crises

This week we talk about the conspiracy theory that microwaves were used to generate the devastating Super Typhoon Haiyan (Yolanda). Then, we discuss when it's okay to criticize in times of crisis.

Microwave Storms: Full Of Hot Air

While conspiracy theories claiming that Typhoon Yolanda was man made should be easy to dismiss and do not deserve a lengthy rebuttal, what with the need for lending a helping hand to the survivors and all, it is unfortunate that such speculations were recently given media airtime as if they were somehow in the same league as sound scientific hypotheses. As such, a quick debunking is in order... here are some reasons why Super Typhoon Yolanda could not have been caused by microwave beams emitted by human machines.

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