We talk with Edwina Rogers, Executive Director of the Secular Coalition for America, and discuss her experiences as a freethinker working with conservative political figures.
This week, we talk about feminism with special guests Profs. Guy Claudio, director of the UP Center for Women's Studies and Leloy Claudio, Ateneo de Manila assistant professor. We joined them to celebrate the UP CWS 25th anniversary.
This week in our series of Conversations for a Cause, we interview Hemant Mehta of Friendly Atheist. We talk to him about the stereotypes atheists have to deal with and living life as an atheist.
The debate on the existence of God cannot be resolved on the basis of proof. While atheists claim that theists fail to prove that God exists, theists respond by saying that atheists fail to prove that he doesn't. Atheists would then say that the burden of proof lies on him who asserts and not on him who denies, and theists would point out that saying there is no god is also a positive claim that equally requires proof.